July 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Map of Lake King William
July 31, 2016

Fish a plenty in Lake King William

Lake King William is open for twelve months of the year. You could sneak a fishing trip in to Lake King William before the brown trout season opens on 6 August. There is a huge head of trout in the lake. All wild, mainly browns but with a sprinkling of rainbows to make things interesting....

Lake Crescent looking toward Table Mountain
July 30, 2016

Beware - Big Brown Trout

Lake Crescent is brim full and ready for the opening of the brown trout season on 6 August. There have been some monster fish caught from this lake over the past few years. They are not easy to catch but those that persist and get to know the lake regularly land thumping trout. The water...

July 29, 2016

Tooms Lake – we’re hoping for big things

Tooms Lake has gained a reputation as an early season venue. But if the conditions and water levels are right, angling can be rewarding for the whole season. Towards the end of last season, stories started to spread about big fish being caught. Fish in the 3-4kg range. The fish are feeding on the jollytail...

July 28, 2016

Lake Pedder - the inland ocean

If you are looking somewhere to fish this season why not try somewhere a little different. There are lots of fishing opportunities around Tasmania. Lake Pedder was created in 1971 when Hydro Tasmania flooded the original Lake Pedder. Water from the lake is diverted through McPartlan Canal into Lake Gordon and the Gordon Power Station....

July 27, 2016

Forestry Tasmania roads closed

Forestry Tasmania has had to close some roads because of flood damage. Two of these closures will affect a few popular waters. Lake Mackenzie Road is closed to all traffic for 6 weeks for repairs. Mersey Forest Road used to access Lake Parangana, Lake Rowallan, the upper Mersey River and the Walls of Jerusalem National...