December 2020 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Inland Fisheries Service - Festive Season office closure
The Inland Fisheries Service head office will close for the Festive Season until Monday 4 January 2021 We will have officers out and about so please say hello if you see us. Angling licences can still be purchased on our website, a Service Tasmania Centre in Burnie, Devonport, Glenorchy, Launceston or Rosny or a fish...

One down four to go - 40k still up for grabs
There are 4 tagged trout, each worth $10 000, remaining to be caught in the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion. The Lake Rowallan fish was caught by young Fiona Batterham but there is a tagged fish in each of Arthurs Lake, Lake Burbury, yingina / Great Lake and Lake Pedder still to be caught. So why...

Fly fishing to hook travellers in new marketing campaign
Fly fishing enthusiasts are being enticed to experience the best fishing Tasmania has to offer in a new campaign developed by Tourism Tasmania. The campaign invites fly fishers to fish like a local in Tasmania and showcases some of the State’s top fly fishing spots, as well as sharing local tips and techniques for catching...

Galaxiid surveys - Woods and Arthurs lakes.
Each year the IFS surveys Arthurs and Woods lakes for two endangered native fishes, the Arthurs paragalaxias and the Saddled galaxias. At Arthurs Lake, we found high numbers of the Arthurs paragalaxias across all areas of the lake, with 429 fish captured. However, the number of Saddled galaxias captured was very low, with only 9...

Pillans/Julian lakes and Double Lagoon tracks open
Parks and Wildlife Service have advised that the Pillans/Julian lakes and Double Lagoon tracks are now open to vehicles.