February 2021 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Meander River focus of fly fishing marketing campaign
Tourism Tasmania has developed a marketing campaign to build awareness of Tasmania as a world-class fly fishing destination among fly fishing enthusiasts. The campaign is based around the insight that fly fishing enthusiasts feel like a local in Tasmania, wherever they’re from. It invites fly fishers to experience the best the state has to offer...

Nineteen Lagoons to feature in tourism campaign
Tourism Tasmania has developed a marketing campaign to build awareness of Tasmania as a world-class fly fishing destination among fly fishing enthusiasts. The campaign is based around the insight that fly fishing enthusiasts feel like a local in Tasmania, wherever they’re from. It invites fly fishers to experience the best the state has to offer...

Lake Augusta water levels and access to Pillans Lake Track and Nineteen Lagoons
High water levels are expected at Lake Augusta until late March, which may temporarily block access to the Julian and Pillans Lakes area. This change in water level is to allow completion of works at Liawenee Canal. If you are visiting the area, the Pillans Lake Track may be inundated if Lake Augusta's water level...

St Patricks River video to lure anglers
Tourism Tasmania has developed a marketing campaign to build awareness of Tasmania as a world-class fly fishing destination among fly fishing enthusiasts. The campaign is based around the insight that fly fishing enthusiasts feel like a local in Tasmania, wherever they’re from. It invites fly fishers to experience the best the state has to offer...

Inland Fisheries Service works with anglers to eradicate cumbungi from Four Springs
A recent inspection of Four Springs Lake has confirmed that cumbungi has been successfully eradicated in a joint effort by Inland Fisheries Service staff and Anglers Alliance Tasmania volunteers. A concerned angler reported an infestation of the invasive weed at the southern shore of the lake to the IFS in 2017. The cumbungi was rapidly spreading, restricting wading and infesting...