Inland Fisheries Service News

Lake Mikany boat ramp gate open
Aug. 16, 2023

Lake Mikany boat ramp open

TasWater, MAST and the Inland Fisheries Service are committed to upgrading the Lake Mikany boat ramp, near Smithton, during 2023-24. We are pleased to advise that Stage 1 of the upgrade is complete and the boat ramp is open while the lake is at full supply level. Boats may be launched with care when the...

There is a season and a licence is required to take whitebait.
Aug. 15, 2023

Whitebait poacher convicted.

On Thursday August 10th 2023 Anthony Mark McAlister, of Smithton, was sentenced in the Burnie Magistrates Court on 6 charges relating to whitebait. Mr McAlister was caught fishing illegally for whitebait, on two occasions, at the Black River. Mr McAlister was fined $2,200 plus ordered to pay court costs. With the 2023 whitebait season approaching this is a...

Checking an angler on the Huon River
Aug. 7, 2023

Anglers enjoy good fishing for start of the trout season.

Saturday 5th August saw the 2023-24 brown trout fishing season opening. Anglers celebrated the new season by heading out to waters around the state. Some great catches were reported. Four Springs Lake fished well, with many anglers returning to the boat ramp before lunchtime on opening morning with their bag limit of fish. Their catch...

Wild brown trout are highly sort after.
Aug. 4, 2023

The brown trout season is about to open.

The 2023-24 trout season opens at midnight tonight and there is much anticipation and thought the best places to fish might be. You have mostly likely already received your Tasmanian Angling Licence renewal pack in the mail. If not, go to This year’s licence has another great piece of artwork in the series by...

Woods Lake car park upgrade
Aug. 4, 2023

Woods Lake upgrades for the new season

The Inland Fisheries Service has worked with Sustainable Timber Tasmania to improve camping and access at Woods Lake. This includes expansion of the existing boat ramp car park to cater for the number of vehicles and boat trailers at peak periods. Upgrades have been made to six formed vehicle tracks and 14 camping sites have been...